Staff and Editors


The Historical Thesaurus editors are:

Christian Kay Marc Alexander Fraser Dallachy Jane Roberts Michael Samuels Irené Wotherspoon
MA, AM, DLitt MA, MPhil, PhD, FRHistS MA, MPhil, PhD MA, DPhil, DLitt, FSA, FES, Hon MRIA MA, DLitt, FRSE MA, MLitt
Professor of English Language, University of Glasgow Professor of English Linguistics, University of Glasgow Lecturer in the Historical Thesaurus of English, University of Glasgow Professor of Medieval English Language & Literature, King's College London Professor of English Language, University of Glasgow Senior Research Fellow, University of Glasgow

Editorial Team

The current Historical Thesaurus project team at the University of Glasgow are:

Advisory Board

The Historical Thesaurus advisory board provides the project with advice and support when required. Its membership is:
